An effective, practical, FREE 90-minute interactive workshop offering tools and techniques to help you shift from Unsure to Unstoppable.

Stay tuned for future dates!

Use Mindfulness, Movement, and Mindset to Transform Your Outlook and Confidence

Practice qigong in beautiful settings

Do you ever feel overwhelmed? Or like you know where you want to go but are not sure you’ll ever arrive? Do you want to create positive change but have a hard time sticking with it?

We’ve all been there at one time or another—whether we’re trying to cultivate our professional life, find harmony in our relationships, are attempting to lose weight, or desire to become healthier.

Sometimes you just feel unsure; that’s part of being human.

But I’m here to help you shift from feeling unsure into feeling unstoppable.

Join me for a FREE interactive workshop that includes qigong, guided meditation, and conversation about self-compassion.
We’ll explore tools and techniques that help you change your outlook so you have greater resilience, peace of mind, and vitality. Walk away from the workshop with practical suggestions for transforming yourself from unsure to unstoppable.

Through tools we explore in the workshop, you will find contentment and a sense of joy that radiates outward to your loved ones, friends, and co-workers. Your willingness to fully appreciate and embrace who you are—right now at this moment—is essential to your wellbeing. This sense of self-appreciation and self-compassion allows you to be present with and available for others sustainably. Best of all, these tools and techniques are easy to implement and uplifting to use.

What You Will Learn:

Unsure to Unstoppable’s tools and techniques help you:

Cultivating Mindful Compassion helps us integrate self-acceptance and self-compassion practices into everyday life
  • Compassionately engage your inner critic by embracing acceptance for self and others
  • Enhance vitality by recognizing and harmonizing with your body’s natural energy flow
  • Strengthen your ability to be present and resilient in the face of difficulty, responding rather than reacting
  • Reduce rumination by settling your mind, which helps you expand awareness of the current moment and cultivate positive thoughts
  • Integrate mindfulness and self-compassion practices into everyday life


Resulting benefits include:

  • Reducing criticism and judgment for self and others through enhanced acceptance and compassion
  • Releasing mental or emotional blocks by moving toward peace, resilience, and creativity while dissolving anxiety and depression
  • Increasing your capacity to authentically engage, communicate, and collaborate in relationships, both at home and at work
  • Reinforcing your self-awareness, your ability to stay present, and the strength to make appropriate choices when feeling overwhelmed
  • Augmenting your job satisfaction and fulfillment and living a more peaceful, nurturing life at home or with family
Cultivating Mindful Compassion is available on international retreats, weekend workshops, and multi-week online courses.

Workshop format:

  • Online via Zoom
  • Instruction of meditation techniques including seated meditation, mudra meditation, qigong, moving meditation
  • Real-world informal practices to help you maintain daily compassionate thoughts and actions

I LOVE helping people shift out of a place where their inner critics manage their lives, or they consistently carry an invisible backpack of self-recrimination, into a place where they are more comfortable in their skins, knowing how to embrace and work with that inner critic, and they are finally able to put down that invisible backpack.

Clients that work with me stand up and shine, knowing they are enough and are perhaps stronger and more capable than they ever imagined. Join me for this FREE 90-minute workshop on a future date. Can’t make the date? Register anyway. The workshop will be recorded and available for seven-days after the event.

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