Tunisia spiritual tour

Explore the Mystery & Magic of Multicultural Tunisia

December 3rd – 19th, 2025

“Go! Amy’s trips are well organized and a great way to explore and learn not just about another country and all it has to offer but also a way to explore and learn about yourself and the power of compassion. The trip used a small tour outfit—no big cruise ship, no big tour bus—that provided excellent transportation and a knowledgeable, life-loving guide who had a set itinerary but added spontaneity and took us to interesting and unusual places that larger groups would not get to explore.” Cathy C

This Tunisian spiritual tour blends exploration of Phoenician and Roman historical wonders, oases, and desert landscapes with meditation, qigong, and heart-opening conversations about self-acceptance, compassion, and joy.

“If seeing ancient sites, spending time in the outdoors, touring with a small group, visiting out-of-the-way places, practicing meditation and qigong, and having discussions around compassion interests you, then this trip is for you! You don’t just visit and learn about each site; you connect to it intuitively and emotionally, making each site visit more intriguing. Some outings included moving meditation to bring awareness to self and connections to surroundings and the earth. The hikes on the trip provided an opportunity to explore the country’s natural beauty while connecting to self and enjoying the group. This trip did not disappoint, and I highly recommend traveling with Amy on one of her spiritual tours!” Lisa A

We’ll slow down our busy minds, open our hearts, and embrace joy and peace. 

We’ll explore and practice tools to take home and use long after the tour is over.

“Amy put together an extraordinary trip of a lifetime. We were challenged both physically and spiritually, but in a way that allowed all of us to be successful and fulfilled. The trip exceeded my expectations in all aspects.” Cathy H

On This Adventure, You Will:

Explore the Mystery of Spiritual Scotland on a Meditation & Qigong retreat with Amy Pattee Colvin
  • Explore cultural aspects of Phoenician and Roman history, visiting sites such as Carthage, Dougga, and El Jem.
  • Begin most days with meditation.
  • Practice qigong daily, deepening your awareness of your internal energy and how it harmonizes and flows with the energy of your surroundings.
  • Connect with local people living everyday lives, recognizing that through time and geography all humans experience common joys and sorrows.
Fairy Glen on the Isle of Skye during Amy Pattee Colvin's Scotland spiritual tour
  • Engage in heart-opening conversations on how to incorporate self-acceptance and compassion into your life.
  • Meet new like-minded people who may become life-long friends after sharing this unique experience.
  • Immerse yourself and expand your perspective in the awe-inspiring desert landscape, disconnect from all technology for a few days, and create memories you can visualize long after you’ve departed for home.

Your Heart-Opening Tunisian Spiritual Tour Itinerary:

This path leads down into the Sacred Grove and Holy Well at Denino Den.

Day 1/2 Travel Day ~ WE/TH December 3/4: Fly to Tunis, Tunisia, on an overnight flight, arriving on December 4th.

Day 2 ~ TH December 4: Arrive in Tunis; the night of the 4th is included in your tour. Transportation to the hotel is on your own; taxis, public transport, and Ubers are available. Dinner is on your own. 

Day 3 ~ FR December 5 (B/L/D): After breakfast, we meet our tour leader and head out for a day filled with historical and cultural wonders. We’ll begin by exploring some of the ancient sites of CARTHAGE, one of the most influential and affluent trading hubs of the Ancient Mediterranean. We’ll have lunch in the seaside town of SIDI BOU SAID then stroll its quaint blue and white streets. We’ll finish the afternoon with a visit to the BARDO MUSEUM. We’ll return to our hotel and have dinner together.  

Whaligoe Harbor is reached via 365 stone steps.

Day 4 ~ SA December 6 (B/L/D): Rise early for pre-breakfast meditation. After breakfast, we will explore the market town of MAJAZ al BAB, as well as experience daily life and have lunch with a LOCAL FARM FAMILY. The home visit offers a glimpse into the traditions, customs, and hospitality that are deeply rooted in Tunisian society. You’ll have an opportunity to help prepare local dishes, explore the many aspects of farm life, and gain authentic insights into Tunisian culture. Exploration of the market town offers insight into small-town life as we chat with craftsmen and vendors selling their wares. In the afternoon, we’ll return to Tunis and have time to relax before regrouping for dinner.

On the Scotland Spiritual Tour we'll explore the neolithic site of Stones of Stenness.

Day 5 ~ SU December 7 (B/D): Rise early for meditation, followed by breakfast. Today, we’ll visit ancient DOUGGA, the best-preserved ancient Roman city in North Africa and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. We’ll wander through the remains of a complete town that once had 5,000 residents, including villas, temples, baths, a paved street, and a forum, making it easy to imagine life here in the second century AD. The temple known as “the Capitol” and the Caracalla Baths are particularly well-preserved, and the site’s theater—which was designed to seat 3,500 spectators—is still used for performances of classic works today. We’ll enjoy lunch together at a local restaurant, and then drive through scenic countryside to the town of Kairouan. We’ll check in to the hotel and regroup for dinner together.

Part of a World Heritage site, Skara Brae is a 5000 year old well preserved collection of stone houses

Day 6 ~ MO December 8 (B/D): Rise early for meditation, followed by breakfast. Today, we’ll visit the ABOU ZAMAA AL-BALAWI MAUSOLEUM, one of the most venerated sites in Kairouan. Next, we’ll visit the GREAT MOSQUE, founded in 670, the oldest Muslim place of worship in Africa. Then, we’ll take a walking tour through the KAIROUAN MEDINA, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and thriving center of Tunisian culture. Lunch is on your own, and our guide will make suggestions. In the afternoon, you’ll have some free time to explore on your own. If a local family is available, they will host dinner; otherwise, we’ll have dinner together at the hotel.

The entrance to Smoo Cave which leads to a hidden waterfall.

Day 7 ~ TU December 9 (B/L/D): Rise early for meditation, followed by breakfast. Today, we’ll explore another Tunisian antiquity with a visit to EL DJEM, home to the third-largest ancient Roman amphitheater in the world, which soars impressively above the low-rise buildings of the town’s medina. Built in the third century AD, this impressive stadium could seat 30,000 spectators. After an included lunch at a local restaurant, we drive through the scenic Tunisian landscape and arrive at the town of Matmata, known for its traditional underground structures. After checking in, we’ll have dinner as a group.

On the Scotland Spiritual Tour we'll visit Gearanin which is a living history village.

Day 8 ~ WE December 10 (B/D): Rise early for meditation, followed by breakfast. We’ll explore some of the local and unique man-made structures of the area which are caves dug into the walls of large pits in the ground. One of the most famous structures is HOTEL SIDI DRISS, a subterranean dwelling that was used as the interior of Luke Skywalker’s childhood home in Star Wars: A New Hope. We’ll then take a half-day hike in the local region known for its Amazigh (Berber) villages and rugged yet awe-inspiring terrain—a unique blend of cultural richness and natural beauty. After our hike, we’ll drive to the oasis town of Tozeur. We’ll check into our hotel and regroup for dinner. 

The mystical Callanish Standing Stones are within walking distance on this Scotland spiritual tour with Amy Pattee Colvin.

Day 9 ~ TH December 11 (B/D): Rise for meditation, followed by breakfast. After breakfast, we’ll travel in horse-drawn carriages to explore the TOZEUR OASIS, 2,600 acres of cultivated date palms thriving on the edge of the largest salt flat in northern Africa. We’ll then leave the palms and visit a small BRICK FACTORY to learn how bricks for local homes are handmade in traditional kilns. Afterward, we’ll drive to the historic TOZEUR MEDINA. In its old section, elaborate designs in yellow brickwork decorate the walls lining narrow alleys and passageways with the same traditional patterns that are found in the local Berber handcrafts. Lunch is on your own in the medina. After lunch, we’ll spend some time talking about compassion and common humanity and how it reflects in your trip so far. Then you’ll have some free time to relax or explore on your own. We’ll regroup for dinner together. 

Luskentyre Beach is a wonderful place to practice qigong while on a spiritual tour with Amy Pattee Colvin

Day 10 ~ FR December 12 (B/D): Rise early for meditation, followed by breakfast. Today, we’ll say goodbye to our mini-bus driver and say hello to 4x4s that will transport us to our day’s active outdoor adventures to CHEBIKA OASIS, TAMERZA, and MIDES. Tucked into the rugged landscapes of Tunisia, the Chebika Oasis juxtaposes arid landscapes with a peaceful lushness. After exploring this region, we’ll move on to Tamerza, known for its fascinating blend of ancient ruins and awe-inspiring architecture. Roam through the abandoned village to absorb the historical ambiance and hike through the canyons lined with waterfalls. We’ll end the day with a 2.75-mile hike from Tamerza to Mides through stunning gorges and canyons. At the end of the active day, we’ll cross CHOTT el DJERID, the largest salt pan in the Sahara Desert and continue on to Douz. We’ll check into our hotel and have dinner together as a group. 

Harmonize with sacred energy while hiking The Quiraing on the Isle of Skye.

Days 11, 12, 13, SA, SU, MO December 13-15 (B/L/D): Rise early for meditation, followed by breakfast. It is time to begin our DESERT TREK. These four days create space for you to shed daily obligations and perpetual connection with technology. In the absence of distractions, you have an opportunity to listen to your soul. Traveling for days in a natural environment without encountering rigid and permanent human-made structures helps you more deeply connect with your own human nature. We’ll have plenty of time here to meditate, practice qigong, and converse about compassion and joy.

Throughout the days, you, your travel companions, and the support team will travel in a caravan. The Bedouin caravan leader is in tune with his environment and coordinates his team to help you experience the magical beauty of this place he calls home. He manages the walking pace, daily breaks, camp set-up, and more.

A typical day starts with a breakfast of hot bread baked in sand, butter, cheese, jam, coffee, milk, and tea. You’ll then travel for 6 to 7 hours per day—sometimes walking, sometimes riding a camel. We’ll have a tea break in the morning and again at midday for lunch. The evening offers hot meals around the campfire, followed by sleeping in a Bedouin tent or under the stars. 

A view of the Fairy Pools on the Scotland Spiritual Tour with Amy Pattee Colvin.

Day 14 ~ TU December 16 (B/L/D): Today is our last day in the desert. We say our farewells to the simplicity of nature and begin to transition back into a connection with the broader world. Yet we’re still immersed in landscapes and history as we visit the village of CHENINI, where homes are carved into the rock faces. The oldest structures in this village date back to the 12th century and some buildings are still used to store grain. From there, we’ll head to KSAR OULD SOULTANE, a granary site used in the film Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace for some of the slave quarter scenes in Mos Espa. We’ll depart for the seaside town of Djerba. After getting settled in to our hotel, we’ll have dinner together as a group.

A view of the Fairy Pools on the Scotland Spiritual Tour with Amy Pattee Colvin.

Day 15 ~ WE December 17 (B/L/D): This morning, you have a chance to relax. Enjoy breakfast in your own time and take a stroll on the beach. We’ll meet late morning for meditation and qigong, followed by lunch. Then, we’ll head out and explore the street art paradise of DJERBAHOOD. In 2014 and 2021, more than 150 artists of about thirty nationalities painted nearly 250 murals on the walls of this neighborhood. After exploring this outdoor art gallery, we’ll visit the EL GHRIBA SYNAGOGUE, considered to be one of the oldest synagogues in the world. From there, we’ll explore Djerba’s PORT and MEDINA. We’ll head back to the hotel and share dinner together.

On our last day of exploration on the Scotland Spiritual Tour we'll visit Glencoe.

Day 16 TH December 18 (B/D): Rise early for breakfast. We’ll catch an early morning flight from Djerba back to Tunis. After dropping our luggage at the hotel, we’ll head out on foot to explore the TUNIS MEDINA, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. We’ll wander the narrow streets, looking at local handicrafts, viewing spectacular monuments, and exploring everyday Tunisian life. You’ll have a chance to do some last-minute shopping. Lunch is on your own in the medina. In the afternoon we’ll have an optional visit to the Bardo Museum. We’ll gather in the evening for a farewell dinner.

Day 17 ~ FR December 19 (B): Enjoy breakfast at the hotel, then make your way on your own via taxi, public transport, or Uber to the Tunis airport to catch your homeward flight. 

…Included in Your Tunisian Spiritual Tour:

  • Daily instruction and facilitation of meditation, qigong, and conversations about self-acceptance, compassion, and joy. Engaging with this content is an integral part of this spiritual tour. If you are not interested in meditation, heart-opening conversation, and qigong, different tours are available to you via other companies.
  • All ground and air transportation for the duration of the retreat.
  • Lodging for 15 nights in locations hand selected for their convenience or uniqueness. Please note rooms may be smaller than what you’re accustomed to in the United States and three nights will be in tents.
  • A Tunisan tour leader passionate about the his culture and history.
  • All entrance fees for ancient sites and activities.
  • A four-day three-night camel-supported trek in the Sahara Desert
  • A guaranteed small group, with 12 guests maximum, which means a more personalized and intimate retreat experience.
  • The itinerary is subject to modification based on the weather, site opening hours, and the needs of the group.


The Little Bits Not Included:

  • International airfare to and from Tunis.
  • Transportation to and from the airport to the first and last night’s hotels.
  • Beverages with meals and/or alcohol.
  • Gratuity for the Tour Leader and Camel Caravan Leader. 

Tour Facilitator Amy Pattee Colvin:

Amy Pattee Colvin leads international spiritual tours with a focus on meditation, qigong, and compassion for self and others.

In the fall of 2015, I attended a meditation retreat to the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu, led by my long-time meditation teachers. A local shaman joined us one of our days in Machu Picchu. During the blessing ceremony, he handed me a seed to plant after the ceremony finished. He said to look for the plant when I brought my own group on a retreat to Peru.

For many months that seed of an idea quietly germinated and eventually sprouted into the development of meditation and qigong retreats worldwide.

Traveling with me, you’ll practice meditation and qigong daily, steep yourself in beautiful landscapes, step out of your daily routine, and immerse yourself in positive ways of thinking and living. I’m excited to share these concepts with you while we actively explore stunning landscapes and cultures.

These retreats create an opportunity for you to deeply focus on inner work, connecting to the divine within and harmonizing with the energy of the natural world.

I’ll share with you all I’ve learned in nearly 30 years of Taoist meditation, as well as the wisdom garnered from becoming a certified facilitator of Stanford University’s Compassion Cultivation Training.

Local Scottish Guide

Local Tour Leader Makram Khalifa:

Makram’s specialty is conveying stories of Tunisia with humor and passion. He has an exhaustive knowledge of Tunisia’s history, legends, culture, and geography, and each day, he finds something special to share with us.

Some days, he’ll share ancient history as if he’d lived in that era himself. On other days, he’ll tell you about the current state of the country’s culture. Every day, he’ll keep you entertained on the journey and help you learn to love Tunisia as he does.

From the moment you meet Makram, you’ll feel like you’ve found that long-lost Tunisian friend you never knew you had.

I look forward to spending time with you! If you have any questions, please email me at amy@amypatteecolvin.com.

Investment & Registration:

Investment: USD $3995 per person based on double occupancy.

  • Space is limited to 12 guests. Ensure your spot by placing your deposit now.
  • A deposit of $1000 is required to reserve your space, with the balance due by August 15, 2025. Payment plans are available. Please contact me for more information.
  • You are welcome to register as an individual, and I will match you with a person of the same gender to share a room.
  • Single rooms are available with a supplement of $800.

Cancellation Policy:

  • Your deposit is fully refundable until June 15th, 2025.  After that date, if you choose to cancel, your deposit is transferable to a future trip.
  • I highly recommend that you purchase travel insurance, which covers emergency medical treatment, evacuation, and trip cancellation.

To register and place your deposit please email me at amy@amypatteecolvin.com.

“I loved traveling with you! Our conversations combined with your guided meditations really helped me deal with some uncomfortable stuff….stuff I hadn’t realized I was still carrying.” Erin C

“I highly recommend travel with Amy! I traveled to Peru with her and she is an incredible and magnificently organized traveler/leader. She takes the guesswork out by coordinating the entire itinerary and checklist.  It is quite simply a life-changing experience.” Heather T

“Amy provides practical meditation and qigong instruction and brings participants on a reflective journey using a variety of facilitation formats. Amy’s emphasis on the inward and outward radiance of compassion is life-changing.” Marty P

Food budget is roughly $550 per person