Here are a few resources you might find helpful: guided compassion meditation, podcasts/interviews, and best selling book.
Amazon Bestselling Book:
“Amy Colvin offers a crisp, readable, actionable roadmap to a more thoughtful, compassionate, happier you. A gem of a book and a powerful way to start each morning.”
—Laszlo Bock, former SVP of People Operations at Google and author of Work Rules!
Do you ever:
- ✨ Lose sleep due to worry
- ✨ Feel down in the dumps and just can’t shake it off?
- ✨ Get just plain grouchy and snap at others, yet criticize yourself?
You’re not alone.
You’ve heard mindfulness or compassion meditation might help, but you’re not sure where to start.
You’re already busy enough, and carving out more time to sit still doesn’t seem like an option.
If you find sitting still to meditate is difficult, or you think you’re not “doing it right” because your mind isn’t still, or if you find distractions every time you think about meditating, this book is for you.
Practical and effective, this book helps you refocus your mindset to help you thrive!
Cultivating Compassion: Simple Everyday Practices for Discovering Peace of Mind and Resilience is for:
- ✨ Healthcare providers who feel fulfilled by serving others but experience compassion fatigue because they have no energy remaining for self-care.
- ✨ Busy executives looking for ways to improve their leadership skills.
- ✨ Parents or concerned adults who want to share the message and value of kindness with the youth around them, teaching teens how to feel comfortable in their own skin without tearing down others in the process.
In this book, you’ll find 66:
- ✨ Inspirational themes to help you explore concepts around acceptance and compassion for self and others
- ✨ Self-reflection questions to help you contemplate deeply held beliefs, help you shift perspective, and help you break out of old patterns
- ✨ Informal practices to help you integrate kindness and non-judgment into daily life which in turn helps develop peace of mind and resilience.
Cultivating Compassion shows you how to develop peace of mind and resilience through easy-to-follow practical tools and techniques. You don’t have to put the rest of your life on hold to create significant change. Start living a life filled with peace of mind and resilience today.
A Few of the Most Popular Guided Meditations From My YouTube Channel
This guided meditation helps you recognize and direct your internal energy/qi through your body. This is a wonderful practice for helping to bring balance to the body and increase relaxation.
This guided meditation helps you cultivate a compassionate image. By bringing an image of compassion to mind, we can then envision the compassion from that image flowing over us, enveloping us with total acceptance and kindness.
This guided meditation features a method to help you cultivate self-appreciation. By intentionally focusing on and expressing gratitude for what we appreciate about ourselves and our lives we begin to form new habits and change our outlook.
Podcasts and Interviews Across a Variety of Topics
9/25/2023 Have you wondered about the benefits of exploring self, compassion, and spirituality while exploring unique destinations? In this conversation, Amy Pattee Colvin talks about some of the transformations that have happened for people who join her on her international spiritual adventures.
If you are a travel lover and/or a spiritual seeker, tune in to this conversation and enjoy!
8/29/2023 Have you ever felt an inexplicable connection when visiting a place of spiritual significance? In this conversation, Amy Pattee Colvin talks about the some of sites she takes people to on spiritual tours, and what they’ve discovered, felt, and experienced. During the conversation, we also touch on:
- No matter where you are in the world (a sacred site or in your own home) you can tap into the energy of the place
- Collective vibration and how you can tap into it?
- How we are not taught how to feel energy or even emotions and Amy offers us a simple and powerful guided exercise that actually teaches us how.
- And so much more ….
If you are a travel lover and/or a spiritual seeker, tune in to this conversation and enjoy!
Today, 1/3/2023, Maria chats with Amy Pattee Colvin, who is incredibly passionate about helping people deepen their self-compassion.
Here’s your reminder: practice a compassionate action today. Whether it’s two minutes or twenty, bring your attention intentionally back to Self. It’s so easy to live outwardly focused, pleasing everyone else. So rarely do we take 30 seconds and pay attention to Self and do something really healthy for ourselves.
Amy recommends giving yourself this affirmation daily, “Say to yourself, say it out loud so your ears can actually hear it, ‘I’m enough, and I will grow to become even better.'”
December 8th, 2022: In this conversation with Susan Pole of Susan Pole Healing and Amy Pattee Colvin, we’ll explore aspects of self-compassion, including:
- ✨ a definition of compassion
- ✨ a brief discussion of meditation
- ✨ a brief explanation of qigong
- ✨ and two easy-to-implement qigong exercises to help you become more grounded and open to self-compassion.
October 15th, 2020: In this conversation with Asti Atkinson on the My Mom Makes Money Summit, we have a special treat for you … a pause!
With today’s interview, we want to gift you the reminder that you are loved, you are enough, and you’ve got this!
This interview is literally a breath of fresh air in the midst of all the busyness and uncertainty—get your favorite beverage and a cozy blanket, and take a deep breath. Now you’re ready.
What you’ll learn:
- ✨ A definition of self-compassion and how to start receiving it
- ✨ Tips for feeling more solid and strong within yourself so you can more compassion out to others
- ✨ A different way to approach meditation so that you can break through some of your negative thinking patterns or cycles
- ✨ How to recognize what strong emotions actually feel like in your body so you can develop the awareness to work with them before they take over your intellect
- ✨ How long and how often meditation is recommended (spoiler: the answer to this may surprise you!)
- ✨ How to use meditation to literally disrupt neural pathways that are based on negative thinking patterns (!!!!)
- ✨ Great tips for helping your children meditate
- ✨ How to teach your children to be more mindful of the emotions they are experiencing
- ✨ Tips for extending compassion to others
- ✨ How to use your body to train your brain (instead of the other way around)
… and much, much more!
September 22nd, 2020: Practice some qigong to help you manage the Mars Retrograde.
As Janet Hickox explains, the Mars Retrograde can create frustration, anger, and upset in all of us as our forward momentum may be stalled, and we feel like we are being limited in some ways. We’re taking a look ahead at what to expect during the next 3 months, what the Moon in Sagittarius is bringing to us for the day, and what does the Sun in Libra mean?
Today, Amy Pattee Colvin teaches us some qigong moves to help us. Happy Equinox.
March 25th, 2019: Today, Janet Hickox and Amy Pattee Colvin about qi energy and techniques we can use to move it through our bodies. We’ll also take a look ahead at the Astrology & Human Design transits for the week ahead.
Cultivating Compassion
December 11th, 2016: A conversation about cultivating compassion between Peak Performance Coach Kiomi Moore and Amy Pattee Colvin.
During this informative podcast Amy shares:
- 4:40 minutes – How to stay open and compassionate when someone responds to us with an “unskillful behavior.”
- 11:14 How to stay open hearted and connected in challenging situations.
- 12:08 The Stanford Compassion Program’s definition of compassion – 1) awareness of someone else’s distress, 2) being emotionally moved, and 3) taking action.
- 14:23 Techniques to become more self aware
- 15:44 The value of breathwork.
- 18:00 Understanding compassion is trainable and learnable.
- 21:14 Why being emotionally moved matters. The benefits to self and others.
- 23:25 Recognizing our interconnectedness and how it supports well being.
- 24:21 How feeling vulnerable can be a barrier to compassion, and how to overcome it.
- 25:33 Why compassion increases energy and resilience.
- 28:55 Compassion and acceptance can help us bounce back from mistakes, faster.
- 30:39 Overcoming the fear that compassion may make me a slacker.
- 35:00 How compassion decreases tension
- 36:20 Compassion fatigue and how self compassion helps reduce and prevent this.
- 39:21 What to do when you think someone does not deserve compassion.
- 42:15 What is imposture syndrome
- 50:15 Having faith following her heart and not giving into her anxiety. Great story of changing jobs, pursuing her bliss.
EP010: Meet Mrs. Compassionate Balance
November 11th, 2016: A conversation about cultivating compassion between Calvin Simpson and Amy Pattee Colvin on the Life Through the Eyes of a Smile Podcast.
[3:00] – How do we deal with negative emotions?
[5:30] – Dealing with situational depression
[7:10] – Own, wear and embrace your emotions
[10:10] – Let go of the future
[13:10] – Bad hair days
[15:40] – Making common sense, common practice
[17:20] – Are you breathing?
[19:55] – A breathing exercise
[23:35] – Are you reacting or responding?
[25:55] – Unskilled behavior comes from unmet needs
[30:00] – Being comfortable in your own skin
[32:00] – The greatest gift you can give yourself
[33:50] – Finding value in yourself
[37:30] – Small tasks in your day
[39:50] – Amy’s weapon of mass happiness
Life Through The Eyes Of A Smile is the only life worth pursuing – Calvin Simpson
FACES of Pain Care: Cultivating Compassoin
September 11th, 2016: FACES of Pain Care – Episode 4 – Cultivating Compassion with Amy Colvin.
Amy is passionate about helping people learn how to live joy-filled, peaceful, and resilient lives. If you are interested in positive personal growth, then join her for one of her courses or an international meditation retreat where together you’ll explore ways to reduce stress and anxiety while cultivating acceptance and compassion for self and others. Her mission is to help people discover and cultivate acceptance and compassion for self and others so that in turn, they can thrive in their chosen fields.
She spent 12 years as a massage therapist at a large corporation, where often stress was the underlying cause of people’s discomfort. Amy realized she could more effectively help people by teaching them tools and techniques for stress reduction and self-compassion than by massaging them an hour at a time.
Amy’s meditation practice began 20+ years ago with a Taoist meditation teacher, and then she learned about and completed the teacher training program for Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT), an 8-week compassion meditation course developed at Stanford University’s Center for Compassion, Altruism, Research, and Education. Ultimately she blended her Taoist background with the pragmatic and structural elements of the CCT program and developed a curriculum called Cultivating Mindful Compassion.