by Amy Pattee Colvin | May 14, 2019 | Acceptance, Compassion, Qigong
At one point or another, all of us experience anxiety. How we choose to respond to anxiety determines whether we sink into disaster fantasies or rise to a place of peace. One reason I love to teach deep breathing techniques and qigong is because of the benefit... by Amy Pattee Colvin | Oct 11, 2018 | Acceptance, Wellness
Quality sleep is critical to our health and wellbeing, but at times knowing how to fall asleep feels elusive. Yet many of us don’t experience the full benefits of uninterrupted and continuous sleep. We know how refreshed we feel after a solid night’s... by Amy Pattee Colvin | Oct 7, 2018 | Meditation, Wellness
How breathing works Breathing is a natural part of life. When we’re not consciously controlling it, the autonomic nervous system controls our breath. This system works automatically, without conscious effort. Unlike other visceral (e.g., digestion, endocrine,... by Amy Pattee Colvin | Sep 4, 2018 | Acceptance, Wellness
Finding Peace of Mind Finding peace of mind can sound cliché or even remind you of Boston’s classic song. But ultimately, most of us long for peace of mind. I’m not referring to a feeling of peace that is numb inside, ignoring the pain of self or others.... by Amy Pattee Colvin | Sep 2, 2018 | Meditation
Have you wanted to start a meditation practice aren’t sure how to start? Let this comprehensive guide on how to meditate for beginners provide a road-map for getting your meditation practice started and sustained. The benefits of mindfulness and meditation are...