Cultivate Peace of Mind, Vitality, Resilience, and Joy

Learn how to manage your stress, recognize your gifts, and improve your optimistic outlook.

Do you ever struggle with:

  • ✨ anxiety and a racing mind, knowing you want to do more with your life, but you’re not sure what
  • ✨ self-induced high standards that ultimately exhaust you because you’re more worried about how others see you than you see yourself
  • ✨ a lack of confidence in your authentic self and a loud inner critic that never seems to give you peace
  • ✨ old thought or behavior patterns that no longer serve you and prevent you from being your healthiest self in body, mind, and spirit
  • ✨ grief arising from the loss of a loved one, a relationship, or a change in your health
  • ✨ being tired of being tired

It’s time to step into your best self and ignite your joy-filled potential. 

Say YES to modifying your mindset, expanding your outlook, developing your inner strengths, and opening your heart.

Say YES to regaining harmony in your life by understanding and connecting with the deepest desires of your heart and soul.

Say YES to using your internal energy to resolve problems in new and effective ways and connect with what matters most to you in life.

Say YES to being as joyful, content, and peaceful as you choose to be. 

We’ve all gotten a Ph.D. in stress; now it is time for a Ph.D. in peace of mind.

Through powerful brain-training practices, meditation, and qigong, you’ll learn how to increase peace of mind, resilience, vitality, and creativity, while deepening your connection to your inner self. These seemingly simple tools can profoundly change your life. Sometimes all we need is the right kind of support and guidance.

Peace of Mind in Daily Life

Learn and practice tools to help you increase your peace of mind with Amy Pattee Colvin.

Sometimes life feels overwhelming.

Expectations arise at work, at home, and with family and friends. We set standards for perfection that are nearly impossible to meet. We feel anything but peaceful.

I know this from first-hand experience. Like you, I’ve felt the blues, blahs, and self-induced bruises from not meeting impossible standards. I’ve experienced depression, anxiety, and burnout.

But, along the way, I discovered tools that helped me effectively change my mindset, shift my perspective, and befriend my inner self. Practicing these tools helped me to realize and grow my inner strengths.

Fire-Up Your Personal Growth

  • ✨Increase your self-acceptance and self-compassion. Build a solid foundation of vitality and resilience from which you can sustainably extend compassion to others.
  • ✨Increase your self-awareness and peace of mind to reduce anxiety and the blues to better handle daily stress.
  • ✨Deepen and enhance your creativity, intuition, physical health,  and spirituality.
  • ✨Find the courage to create change if you’re stuck in a situation that no longer serves you.

How Does It Work?

Are you ready to explore methods for incorporating self-acceptance, self-compassion, and compassion for others into daily life? 

My background includes the study and practice of compassion meditation and qigong for nearly 30 years, and I blend that knowledge with innate intuitive skills. You can learn more about me here. I aspire to empower others to make their own decisions and broaden their perspective of what their gifts, path, and challenges are in this lifetime.

I have distilled much of what I’ve learned into two intertwined self-awareness programs: BodyMind IntelliSense Transformation System and International Spiritual Tours. Each stands alone, but they also support one another.

I also offer weekly online qigong and meditation classes as well as private sessions

This combination of skills assists those I work with to more clearly understand their heart’s desires, find the courage and strength to make confident decisions, and broaden their perspective about their gifts and path in life. 

Unlock your inner wisdom through support and practical tools.

Are you ready to locate the keys to your inner wisdom?

The keys that unlock doors to greater joy, vitality, and peace in your life? If you’ve ever felt discouraged or wondered if you’ll ever discover your life’s purpose, know that life does have more to offer. I’ll inspire and support you on the path to finding your inner joy and higher self.

Let me help you discover the keys that you need to unlock the door to your most healthy, joyful, and peace-filled life.  

 Say YES to the journey inward that ignites the inner spark that connects you to your full potential, guides you to self-actualization, and helps you consciously create your heart-centered best life.

Say YES to developing a deep and meaningful relationship with yourself and the essence that makes you unique. Cultivate your own pather rather than relying on guidance from others.

Say YES to finding the courage to explore every aspect of your being, even the ones that are uncomfortable at first.

Through these programs, you’ll cultivate the inner resilience to weather challenges, the courage to take action, and the confidence to grow in the face of difficulties. You’ll emerge from the journey renewed and ready to shine your light into the world.

I teach these techniques—suitable for people of any background or belief system—because I want YOU to live a joy-filled life too. It’s time for you to thrive!

Self-awareness is like a flashlight; turn it on, and shine it on the joy inside.

Interactive Courses and Workshops

Qigong & Taoist Meditation

Weekly online qigong and meditation class via Zoom. We meet Monday mornings from 7:00-7:45. Experience:

  • ✨ Gentle flowing warm-up exercises
  • ✨ One of a variety of standing movement forms, this changes every few months
  • ✨ A seated mudra series I developed with the intention of cultivating compassion
  • ✨ A few minutes of silent meditation at the end of each session
  • No prior experience is required.

Click Here for more information.

BodyMind IntelliSense

Transform health, wellness, and vitality through mindset, movement, and meditation. Step into your best self and ignite your potential. 

BodyMind = Harmonize your mind and body.

IntelliSense = Integrate your intellect and senses.

This transformation system is a supportive and integrative program to help you ignite the inner spark that connects you to your full potential and guides you to self-actualization.

Click Here for more information.

Unsure to Unstoppable

An effective, practical, FREE 90-minute interactive workshop offering tools and techniques to help you shift from Unsure to Unstoppable. Use mindfulness, movement, and mindset to transform your outlook and confidence.

Through tools we explore in the workshop, you will find contentment and a sense of joy that radiates outward to your loved ones, friends, and co-workers. Your willingness to fully appreciate and embrace who you are—right now at this moment—is essential to your wellbeing.

Click Here for more information.

International Spiritual Adventure Tours

Cultivate peace of mind, vitality, and resilience on an International Spiritual Tour with Amy Pattee Colvin.

International Spiritual Adventure Tours

These tours combine heartfelt conversations about acceptance, compassion, and joy with an exploration of gorgeous landscapes and vibrant culture. We’ll interact with locals and take what we’re learning about ourselves and common humanity into daily action.

My approach to spirituality is non-denominational and universal rather than religious. These heart-opening adventures inspire the sacred in all of us, no matter your faith background.

Each tour explores sacred sites and beautiful landscapes and incorporates heart-opening opportunities for personal and spiritual growth. No matter the destination, each journey illuminates the idea that although every human is unique, we are all united by a desire to live a peaceful and joy-filled life.

On a spiritual adventure tour, you’ll slow down your busy mind, open your heart, and embrace joy and peace. You’ll explore and practice tools, including meditation and qigong, that you can take home and use long after the adventure is over. These tours are a great way to step away from your busy business or life and return renewed.

Peru Spiritual Tour

Embark on a Heart-Opening Retreat in Awe-Inspiring Peru

April 24th – May 9th, 2025

Immerse yourself in the history and landscapes of the Sacred Valley.

 Traverse a remote Andean pass and drop into the ruins of a royal village.

Explore local life, including a cooking lesson, visits to local markets, and an artisanal chocolatier.

 Learn More

Iceland Spiritual Tour

Iceland: Open Your Heart and Search for Aurora

November 21st – December 2nd, 2025

Explore the best of Iceland as you visit stunning coastal vistas, thundering waterfalls, rugged mountains, and burbling geysers.

Travel through lava strewn, ice-capped volcanic landscapes and harmonize with the energy of everchanging earth.

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Tunisia Spiritual Tour

Explore Explore the Mystery & Magic of Multicultural Tunisia

December 3rd – 19th, 2025

Explore Phoenician and Roman historical wonders, oases, and desert landscapes. Connect with locals living everyday lives.

Spend time with your soul and spirit while deepening your meditation and qigong practice, on a 4-day 3-night camel-supported trek in the Sahara Desert.

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Patagonia Spiritual Tour

Explore Wild Landscapes and Connect With Your Inner Soulscape

February/March TBA, 2026

Challenge your body and spirit on gorgeous, physically active hikes into remote mountainous areas.

Discover the enormous penguin colonies of Isla Magdalena and stand in awe watching Andean Condors.

Experience authentic Argentine rural life while staying on a working ranch.

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Scotland/Shetland Spiritual Tour

Explore Scotland’s Shetland Isles, Neolithic Sacred Sites, and Highland Beauty

June 12th – 26th, 2026

Visit the Isles of Shetland, Orkney, Lewis, Harris, and Skye, including a visit to a World Heritage Site and the Calanais Standing Stones on summer solstice.

Hike gorgeous highlands and rugged coastlines as you deepen your meditation and qigong practice and open your heart to embrace self-compassion and joy.

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Zebras in the Serengeti

Tanzania Spiritual Tour

Explore the Wilderness & Wildlife of Tantalizing Tanzania

Future Dates 2027

View wildlife in Mkomazi, Tarangire, and Serengeti National Parks, and the Ngorongoro Crater.

Visit ancient indigenous tribes of the Hadzabe and Datoga. Explore diverse, beautiful landscapes. Deepen your meditation and qigong practice and harmonize with nature.

Learn More

I just returned from a spiritual tour to Peru with Amy.  It was well organized, with an awesome local guide, nice hotels, and great food. We even practiced meditation & qigong at many Incan sites. What an amazing trip! When can I sign up for the next one?

Marty P.

Thank you so much for offering such a magnificent meditation program. You are a wonderful teacher, and your program is one of the best I ever experienced. Your course is thoughtful and fruitful and has been created with love and intelligence. You have put ideas together in a way I’ve never heard before.

Susanna B.

Amy is an artful mentor. She blends mindset and insightful conversation in a way that helps women entrepreneurs safely explore their personal challenges and overcome them. Her gentle approach helped me see areas for growth, while at the same time helped me confidently know that I am enough at this moment. 

Janet H.

Start Your Personal Growth Journey Here

Subscribe to My YouTube Channel

This YouTube Channel offers a breadth of guided meditations, recorded tips and techniques for increasing your peace of mind, vitality, and positive mindset, and occasional qigong exercises. I’d love to have you join me!

Amy Pattee Colvin on Insight Timer

Meditate With Me on Idanim

I’m one of ten teachers on this newly launched app. This app is an easy tool to use to help you bring more mindfulness and meditation into your life. Download it and join me! 

Purchase this Amazon Bestseller to Give You Daily Inspiration

Change your habits, build your motivation, and grow your inner strength with 66 inspirational ideas, questions for reflection, and action items.

Amy Pattee Colvin on Insight Timer

Settle Your Mind With Guided Meditation on Insight Timer

Explore my guided meditations on topics from Relaxing Into Sleep, Finding Peace Through Patience, Detaching from Challenges, Listening as a Humility Practice, Gratitude for Our Bodies, and many more.

Learn from the Latest Blogs

Live Life in Harmony

Live Life in Harmony

Live life in harmony by embodying your inner flow. What comes to mind when you think of the word "flow?" It might be a scene from nature, such as a bubbling mountain stream. It might be a connection to your body, such as knowing your breath and heartbeat effortlessly...

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7 Ways Qigong Helps You Feel Like a Kid Again

7 Ways Qigong Helps You Feel Like a Kid Again

Remember that magical fountain of youth from fairytales? The one that promised eternal youth and boundless energy? Well, guess what? It isn’t hidden in some mythical forest. You have unlimited access to it at any time through present-moment awareness, gentle movement, and intentional breathing, all of which are the components of qigong.

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